A Not-So-Ordinary Resume

Between blunders, self-proclaimed genius, and juggling phone calls, my career has been anything but boring 

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How I Wished It Went 

I always dreamed of having a bio like this: "After doing my military stint alongside Hannibal Barca, I graduated in Empirical Metaphysics from Oxford in 1745. As a ghostwriter, I've had a hand in several masterpieces, though my pitch to rename 'War and Peace' to 'The Problem of Pronouncing Character Names in Russian Literature, Or How Not to Twist Your Tongue' was bafflingly shot down by Lev Tolstoj. "

How It Really Went Down

My name is Alessandro Liggieri, and I've worked in the international world of cartoon production for so long that I nearly turned into a cartoon character myself. Just when I thought cartoons were the pinnacle of absurdity, I stumbled into the call center universe and realized there's no end to the madness. But hey, you can tackle this absurdity with dignity, as long as you're dressed for the part.

The Teacher with a Twist

Born in '71, so technically prehistoric, but not old enough to be a boomer. Think of me more as a seasoned connoisseur of blunders and life lessons. I've stood in front of a blackboard, teaching with a smile and an anecdote for every occasion. From the fall of Rome to why you should never trust autocorrect, I've dispensed wisdom and goof-ups in equal measure. My teaching experience wasn't just a series of lessons; it was a full-on educational show.

The Customer Service Hero

Ah, the world of customer service: a breeding ground for human drama and nervous laughter. This is where I honed my skills in managing chaos with a smile and a quick wit. From calming irate customers with the diplomacy of a UN negotiator to deciphering the most cryptic requests, my journey in customer service has been a human comedy. I learned to read between the lines of every email and behind every sigh on the phone.

The Online Alchemist

In the digital realm, I've navigated the boundaries between reality and virtual, between creativity and technology. Whether it was weaving words into captivating stories, bringing jaw-dropping websites to life, or recommending the next cult movie, I've always aimed to infuse a touch of magic into every click. Here, in my creative corner, I've merged passion and expertise, crafting online experiences that are not just websites or blogs, but entire narrative universes where every pixel has a story to tell.


My karma step by step

Studies, skills and jobs
2023- Today

Telemedicine Device Product Specialist.


Teaching Qualification (Teaching Competition Decree D.D. 499/2020, Ministerial Decree D.M. 326/2021, Decree D.D. 23/2022 - A019 PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY


Specialized Technical Support for Telepass.


Apple Care advisor. 


Instructor of the Creative Writing, Screenwriting, and Animation History Course.


Participation in the SICAF Animation Film Festival (Seoul), South Korea. 


Screenwriter for episodes of the sitcom “Famiglia Gionni” by Maria Teresa Carpino, co-produced by MTO2 and DeAKids.


Literary bible and scripts for the animated series “Capitan Kuk” by Maria Teresa Carpino, by Maria Teresa Carpino, co-produced by MTO2 and the Ministry of Health.  


Participation in the​​​ Kidscreen in New York (USA) for Cartoon One S.r.l. 


Participation in the​​​ NATPE in Las Vegas (USA) for Cartoon One S.r.l.  


Participation in the​​​ MIPCOM in Cannes (Francie) forCartoon One Srl.


Scripts for episodes of “Spike Team” by A. Lucchetta, co-produced by Lucky Dreams S.r.l. (Italy) and Rai Fiction. 


Episode scripts and literary bible of the animated TV series “Star Key” by Gabrio Marinelli, co-produced by Gama Movie Animation S.r.l. (Italy) and Rai Fiction.  


Scripts and concept for the web series “Stra Precari” based on the Spanish format 'Bec@rios'. Directed by Alberto Puliafito.


Screenplay of the pilot of the television series  “Ritmo” by Maddalena de Panfilis, directed by Rossella Izzo, produced by Blu Cinematografica for R.T.I. (Mediaset).

Story Editor for the feature film “Sleepless”, directed by Maddalena de Panfilis, produced by Blu Cinematografica. 


Participation in the​​​ MIFA in Annecy (France).

Participation in the​​​ MIPCOM in Cannes (France).


Creative Writing Teacher. 


Scripts for episodes of the animated TV series “Scuola di Vampiri” by Jackie Niebisch, co-produced by Cartoon One S.r.l., Hahn Film (Germania) and Rai Fiction.  

Scripts, literary bible drafting, and editing for the animated series “Red Caps” by Mikael Wahlforss, co-produced by Cartoon One S.r.l. and Epidem Zot (Finlandia).

Eos S.n.c.

Script Analyst. 


Scripts for episodes of the animated TV series “La Stefi” by Grazia Nidasio, co-produced by Animation Band S.r.l. e Rai Fiction.

DEI S.r.l.

Management of Community of Inwind.


Degree with Honors in Philosophy.


Classical Studies High School Diploma.