Homo erectus

We Never Really Evolve: Half-Serious Proofs of Humanity's Eternal Ineptitude

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Darwin Got It Wrong

On November 24, 1859, English naturalist Charles Darwin dropped a bombshell with “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life,” a title so long you’d need a breather halfway through. This pivotal work in scientific history marked a dubious milestone: from then on, humanity had a hefty science book to wave around whenever it wanted to claim we’re evolving for the better. Spoiler alert: we’re not. We’re about as evolving as a rock stuck in a time loop, repeating the same blunders ad nauseam. Ever heard the one about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Sounds a bit like the definition of madness, doesn’t it? While laughing at our so-called wisdom, this blog dives into culture, history, and philosophy with a critical and sarcastic lens. It’s not just about reading recommendations, theater, and movies for entertainment. My goal? To peel back the layers of human inconsistencies with a grin. We’re not sapiens or habilis; we’re simply erectus: imperfect, ironic, forever searching for meaning. Through creative stories and life lessons, “Homo Erectus” becomes a fun, provocative journey into the human mind. This learning experience doesn’t just inform; it makes you think, smile, and maybe, just maybe, question our true nature.

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A Journey Between Creativity and Discipline

My name is Alessandro Liggieri and I was born on December 1st, just shy of celebrating Woody Allen (but alas, a day late, though I narrowly missed sharing it with Britney Spears by a few hours). My life's been an explosive mix of military rigor (thanks, Dad!) and an insatiable thirst for art (kudos to Mom). Between philosophy lessons and attempts to become the next great screenwriter, I've spent my days learning that life is the best novel one can write. And now, I'm sharing it with you.

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From philosophy to novels, via cartoons 

After dabbling in philosophy (and flirting with a few classmates), I realized my true calling was storytelling, whether on a screen or the pages of a book. From philosophical banter to novel dialogues, I'll show you how to turn deep thoughts into stories even my five-year-old nephew could dig. 

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Overcoming Challenges

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? But what if you find yourself working at Apple Care during an economic meltdown? You learn, you grow, and then you write a blog about weathering storms with a smile. Here are my tales of turning failures into launchpads (and some tips on how to not land face-first).

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Culture and Curiosities

Bookworms, movie buffs, and theater geeks – gather 'round! Here, you'll find tips on what to read, watch, and cheer for. Forget those yawn-inducing usual recommendations; brace yourselves to uncover hidden gems that even Google hasn't heard of.

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Exploring the Past and Present

Exploring the Past and Present

What can Socrates teach us about today's TV shows? Or Napoleon about modern blockbusters? A lot, if you know where to look. Join me on a jaunt through history and philosophy, where we'll explore how the past sheds light on our present (and makes our entertainment choices way more intriguing).

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Let's Connect

Got ideas, questions, or just want to chat about that movie only we seemed to love? Hit me up! I'm always on the hunt for new collaborations, stimulating talks, and chances to share quirky anecdotes.


La mia biblioteca

Alessandro's books

La storia di Roma in 100 luoghi memorabili
La calma
Buchi bianchi: Dentro l'orizzonte
David Hume: Storia naturale della religione
Federico il Grande
Il negazionismo. Storia di una menzogna
I Signori di Napoli
San Francesco d'Assisi
Federico II
I Normanni nel Sud
Il Medioevo. Alle origini dell'identità europea
La società feudale
Oltre il biocentrismo: Ripensare il tempo, lo spazio, la coscienza e l'illusione della morte
I Bitorzoli
Il Purgatore: o del questionario di soddisfazione cliente
Come superare il blocco creativo: Sette consigli pratici

Alessandro Liggieri's favorite books »

I'll Throw You Some Advice, Then... Hey, Your Call...

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