Die, Dad... Die!: When Thriller Meets Irony

Laughs and Thrills? This Movie's Got the Perfect Mix!
February 5, 2024 by
Die, Dad... Die!: When Thriller Meets Irony
Alessandro Liggieri

A comedy-thriller that's bonkers? 'Die, Dad... Die!' is your ticket. Action, laughter, and a dash of madness in 1h 40min.

Data Sheet

  • Director: Kirill Sokolov
  • Genre: Comedy-drama thriller
  • Duration: 1h 40min
  • Year: 2018
  • Main Cast: Vitaliy Khaev, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, Evgeniya Kregzhde
  • Where to Watch: Prime Video


Picture a not-so-quiet day in Moscow. Matiev's got a date with destiny, armed with a hammer and a plan so bad it's almost good. His target? Andrei, a cop less welcoming than a winter bear and father of Matiev's girlfriend, Olya.

The visit starts with the tension of a cat-dog stand-off in a broom closet. Matiev, with all the subtlety of an elephant in a china shop, dives into a chat with Andrei, turning out more twisted than a Spanish soap opera with the wrong subtitles. The talk escalates into a verbal duel, each word a sharpened saber, and the living room becomes the arena for a fight between truth, lies, and a scandalous amount of hidden cash.

But wait, there's more! Underneath the everyday lies a secret bigger than those your grandma's hiding in her closet. When this secret unravels, it leads to a series of events that'll make even the most unflappable viewer exclaim, "Really? Did that just happen?"

'Die, Dad... Die!' isn't just a movie; it's a journey into an alternate reality where common sense takes a holiday, and the bizarre becomes normal. Matiev and Andrei, caught in this whirlwind of madness, lead us through a dance of dark humor, suspense, and situations so absurd, a picnic with aliens would seem normal.

In short, if you're hunting for a comedy-thriller that makes you say, "I need to see this to believe it," then 'Die, Dad... Die!' is your golden ticket to a cinematic adventure you won't forget in a hurry. And remember, sometimes a hammer isn't just a hammer; it's the start of a story even the most imaginative writer wouldn't dare to dream.


Stepping into 'Die, Dad... Die!', you expect a thriller but what you get is a masterpiece of dark comedy that hits you like a hammer thrown by a psychotic clown. Director Kirill Sokolov turns what could be a simple family brawl into a razor-edge dance between genius and madness.

The narrative structure? A labyrinth of surprises that'll make you doubt your fortune-telling skills, even if you're just guessing the movie's ending. Each scene is a twist, and just when you think you've got it all figured out, Sokolov pulls a wild card, leaving you agape.

The cinematography? It's like watching a chess match between Van Gogh and Salvador Dalí - vivid colors, gravity-defying angles, and direction that immerses you in the scene, sweating alongside the characters.

Let's talk costumes: they're not just clothes; they're statements of intent. Each character is dressed with an obsessiveness that reflects their soul - or lack thereof.

In conclusion, 'Die, Dad... Die!' deserves a solid 8/10. It's a film that grabs your senses and whirls them into a vortex of madness and laughter, leaving you exhausted but utterly satisfied. It's not for those seeking a quiet night with a linear story. It's for lovers of the unpredictable, dark humor, and ridiculous tales.

Why I Recommend It

Human flaws have never been this fun. Greed, revenge, and a ton of action - this film has it all, with a smile.

Why I Don't Recommend It

If a mix of violence and comedy isn't your cup of tea, you might want to skip this one. This film takes no prisoners. 

Take my advice or leave it... it's your call.

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Die, Dad... Die!: When Thriller Meets Irony
Alessandro Liggieri February 5, 2024
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