Socrates: The Sandal-less Guru

Socrates, cooler than Instagram
March 7, 2024 by
Socrates: The Sandal-less Guru
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

In a nutshell, Socrates was the guy who questioned everything. Like, literally everything.

Socrates: Your New Best Philosophical Friend

Hop on the philosophy train, destination: Socrates! I get it, you might be thinking, 'Really? Another bearded guy talking about millennia-old stuff?'. But hold your horses! Socrates isn't your typical long-robed, bearded philosopher. Oh no, he's more like the class rebel who never stops asking questions. You know, the kind of person who raises their hand in class and everyone sighs, 'Here we go again'. But trust me, this dude is the grandpa we all wish we had: endless wisdom, a dash of sarcasm, and zero fear of speaking his mind. Imagine having Socrates as your BFF, every coffee with him would be a journey through a labyrinth of 'whys' and 'how comes'. And let me tell you something: in an era where everyone's looking for answers on Google, Socrates reminds you that the real magic is in the questions. So, if you're ready to see the world with new eyes and a bit of irony, follow me on this philosophical adventure. But beware: brain engagement is mandatory.

Socratic Maieutics: The Birth of Ideas

Socrates, the master of the art of questioning. Imagine a guy who never gives a straight answer, but keeps throwing questions at you until you birth a brilliant idea you didn't even know you had. He was like a brain coach, always ready to prod your mind until you shout 'Eureka!' in the middle of a crowded square.

Socratic Ethics: The ABC of a Good Life

Speaking of ethics, Socrates was the guy who held up the mirror to your soul. He didn't care for material goods or fame, but virtue, that serious stuff that makes you feel good about yourself. He was like an ancient influencer, but instead of selling products, he sold ideas for living better.

Socratic Ignorance: I Know That I Know Nothing

Socrates was the champion of admitting he didn't know. It was his superpower. Picture the scene: him among the wise guys of Athens, saying 'Guys, I actually don't know squat'. And with that simple confession, he became the wisest of them all. Kind of like when you pretend not to know who won at poker just to see everyone's reaction.

Socrates and Politics: A Complicated Love

Socrates was like that movie critic who never likes the latest blockbuster. The politicians of Athens? Not his cup of tea. He preferred ordinary people, those living the real deal every day. For him, politics was like a poorly written TV show: full of predictable plots and unconvincing characters.

Socrates, the Critic of the Wise Guys

With Socrates, no one was safe. If you thought you knew it all, he'd come along and with a few questions, make you realize you actually didn't know much. He was the kind who'd make you doubt even that 2 plus 2 equals 4.

Friendship According to Socrates: Beyond the Likes

For Socrates, friendship was sacred, more than just clicking a button. It had to be genuine, based on honesty and shared values. He was the kind of friend who'd tell you things straight, even if you might not want to hear them, but always with a knowing smile.

Socrates, the Street Philosopher

Socrates was a punk philosopher. No classrooms or dusty books, he was a man of the streets. He talked to everyone, from the street vendor to the soldier. His classroom was the square, his chalk was his words. He was the kind who turned a stroll into a philosophical deep dive.

Socrates and Death: An Oscar-Worthy Ending

His end was like a true rockstar of philosophy. Unjustly condemned, he embraced his fate with courage and irony. His last lesson? Be true to yourself, even in the face of death. He was the kind who, even in front of hemlock, would crack a joke.

Socrates: Always Trending

So, after this journey into Socrates' mind, what do you think? Ready to go out and start asking uncomfortable questions to every passerby? Or maybe you're sitting there, pondering the meaning of life, with a thoughtful look and a cold coffee beside you. Socrates wasn't just a philosopher with questionable taste in tunics; he was a thought revolutionary, a dialectic DJ mixing questions like they were electronic music tracks.

But his legacy goes beyond philosophy lessons. Socrates is like that old movie you stumble upon and can't stop watching. He challenges you, provokes you, annoys you sometimes, but in the end, leaves you with something. Kind of like when you find an old photo and find yourself smiling for no reason.

And it's not just about ancient ideas. Socrates is incredibly relevant. In a world where everyone seems to know everything (thanks, Google), he reminds you that real knowledge begins by admitting you don't know. It's an invitation to explore, to get involved, to not settle for easy answers. Like that friend who's never satisfied with the first explanation.

So, next time you find yourself discussing something, remember our friend Socrates. Ask a question instead of giving an answer. Question your certainties. And most importantly, don't take yourself too seriously. After all, if a guy from 2400 years ago can still make us think, maybe there's hope for us modern café philosophers too.

And with that, we close our book on Socrates. But don't worry, there are still plenty of philosophers with weird habits and crazy ideas to explore. Philosophy is a never-ending journey, kind of like a Netflix series. So, stay tuned, because the next episode promises to be even more exciting!

Why I Recommend Digging into Socrates

I recommend diving into Socrates because it's like having a philosophical Siri in your pocket, always ready to challenge every certainty you have.

Why I Don't Recommend It

I don't recommend delving into Socrates if you like easy answers. Our man loved questions more than kittens love boxes. 

Socrates: The Sandal-less Guru
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri March 7, 2024


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